Amt der Oö. Landesregierung • Direktion Präsidium • Abteilung Trends und Innovation, Oö. Zukunftsakademie
4021 Linz, Altstadt 30 a • Telefon (+43 732) 77 20-144 02
E-Mail zak.post@ooe.gv.at • www.ooe-zukunftsakademie.at

About us
The Upper Austrian Future Academy contributes to future competence and responsibility in the region of Upper Austria. It provides impulses for making better use of future opportunities, reducing risks and ensuring social and economic stability as well as a high quality of life. Basic research and trend observation are the cornerstones of this future work.
Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board of the Oö. Zukunftsakademie is a cross-disciplinary committee of renowned experts from the fields of research, education, society, culture, technology, natural sciences, digitisation and economy. The members advise Oö. Zukunftsakademie in identifying trends, key issues and solution approaches with relevance for Upper Austria.